' Adding binary up - getting every combination ' Import mojo ' How long should the binary be Global binlen:Int=14 ' This contains the binary data. bin[0] is the most left Global bin:Int[] Class MyGame Extends App ' keep track of the number Field cnt:Int=0 Method OnCreate() SetUpdateRate(60) ' create our binary array bin = New Int[binlen] End Method Method OnUpdate() If KeyHit(KEY_SPACE) Or MouseHit(MOUSE_LEFT) ' Add one to the binary incbin ' Add up one into our count cnt+=1 End If End Method Method OnRender() Cls 0,0,0 SetColor 255,255,255 Scale 2,2 DrawText "Press Space or LMB(touch) to increase",0,0 ' Draw the binary on the screen For Local i:Int=0 Until binlen DrawText bin[i],i*20,100 Next DrawText cnt,0,120 End Method End Class 'We go from right to left turning each 1 into a zero until 'or if we find a 0 and then we then turn this into a 1 and then return Function incbin() ' Loop from right to left For Local i:Int=binlen-1 To 0 Step -1 ' if we encounter a 0 then turn it into a 1 and return If bin[i] = 0 Then bin[i] = 1 Return End If ' turn the next bit into a 0 bin[i] = 0 Next End Function Function Main() New MyGame() End Function
Artificial intelligence/templates/examples/rts/rpg/strategy ect. in MonkeyX/CerberusX language. You can download the free version of MonkeyX from itch.io or Cerberus-x.com The Flash applets will stop working in around 2020.
Tuesday, August 29, 2017
Monkey-X - Beginners - Binary Addition - code example
Wednesday, August 2, 2017
Monkey-X - Zombies, Turrets on Random Maps - code example
Import mojo Global screenwidth:Int,screenheight:Int ' This is a class that holds x and y variables. Class pathnode Field x:Int,y:Int Method New(x:Int,y:Int) Self.x = x Self.y = y End Method End Class Class bullet ' bullet x and y and radius Field bx:Float,by:Float,br:Int=4 Field angle:Int Field bulletspeed:Float=3 Field bulletmaxdist:Int Field bullettraveled:Int Field deleteme:Bool=False ' start location and target location for getting angle Method New(x1:Int,y1:Int,x2:Int,y2:Int) bx = x1 by = y1 'set the bullet radius br = mymap.tw/4 ' set the max bullet distance bulletmaxdist = mymap.tw*3 angle = getangle(x1,y1,x2,y2) End Method Method update() ' update the bullet position bx += Cos(angle)*bulletspeed by += Sin(angle)*bulletspeed ' If the bullet hits a wall then delete the bullet If mymap.map[bx/mymap.tw][by/mymap.th] = 0 Then deleteme = True ' if distance to long then flag bullet for removal bullettraveled+=1 If bullettraveled > bulletmaxdist Then deleteme = True ' check collision with zombies For Local i:=Eachin myzombie If circleoverlap(bx,by,br,i.zx,i.zy,i.zr) deleteme = True i.hitpoints-=1 ' Bounce them a bit back 'i.zx += Cos(angle+Rnd(-20,20))*Rnd(5,13) 'i.zy += Sin(angle+Rnd(-20,20))*Rnd(5,13) i.flash = True ' If they are dead then flag them If i.hitpoints<=0 Then i.deleteme = True ' increase our counter zombieskilled+=1 End If End If Next End Method Method draw() SetColor 255,255,0 DrawCircle bx,by,br End Method End Class Class turret Field id:Int ' turret x and y and radius Field tx:Int,ty:Int,tr:Int=16 'our target x and y Field targetx:Int,targety:Int ' if to be deleted on the next run Field deleteme:Bool=False ' delay counter between shots Field shootdelay:Int ' maximum shoot delay Field maxshootdelay:Int ' Our current angle and the angle where we want to shoot Field currentangle:Int,shootangle:Int ' if we have no target Field notarget:Bool=True ' how fast can we turn Field turnspeed:Int ' Shaking variables Field shakex:Int,shakey:Int Field shaketime:Int ' The path towards the turret Field pathmap:Int[][] Field maxrange:Int=10 'turrent tile range Method New(x:Int,y:Int) 'give the turret a unique id number Repeat Local nid:Int=Rnd(18972313) Local change:Bool=True For Local i:=Eachin myzombie If nid = id Then change=False Next If change = True Self.id = nid Exit End If Forever tx = x*mymap.tw ty = y*mymap.th 'make sure below our new turret is no wall... turn into open mymap.map[tx/mymap.tw][ty/mymap.th] = 1 ' set the turret radius tr = mymap.tw/2 ' a random turnspeed turnspeed = Rnd(1,10) ' How fast can we shoot maxshootdelay = Rnd(3,15) pathmap = New Int[mymap.mw][] For Local i:=0 Until mymap.mw pathmap[i] = New Int[mymap.mh] Next ' create the path towards the turret createpathmap() End Method Method update() shootdelay += 1 ' shooting here ' check if there are zombies on the map If Not myzombie.IsEmpty Local ntx:Int=-1,nty:Int=-1 ' New target x And y Local sdist:Int=1000 'shortest distance ' find zombie closest to turret For Local i:=Eachin myzombie Local d:Int=distance(tx,ty,i.zx,i.zy) ' if within the turret range If d<mymap.tw*maxrange If d<sdist And clearshot(i.zx,i.zy) Then sdist = d ntx = i.zx nty = i.zy End If End If Next If ntx<>-1 shootangle = getangle(tx,ty,ntx,nty)+Rnd(-5,5) targetx = ntx targety = nty notarget = False Else notarget = True End If Else notarget = True End If 'if we have a target If notarget = False Then 'turn the turrent to target For Local i:=0 Until turnspeed If currentangle <> shootangle currentangle += turndirection(shootangle) If currentangle>180 Then currentangle = -180 If currentangle<-180 Then currentangle = 180 End If Next ' if we are aimed and reloaded then shoot If shootdelay > maxshootdelay shootdelay = 0 If currentangle = shootangle ' add a shake in the opposite direction ' of the barrel. shakex = -Cos(currentangle)*2 shakey = -Sin(currentangle)*2 shaketime = 4 mybullet.AddLast(New bullet(tx+Cos(shootangle)*tr,ty+Sin(shootangle)*tr,targetx,targety)) End If End If End If End Method ' Do we have a clear shot at the zombie ' no walls in the way... Method clearshot:Bool(x2:Int,y2:Int) Local x1:Float=tx Local y1:Float=ty Local angle:Int = getangle(x1,y1,x2,y2) For Local i:=0 Until 320 x1+=Cos(angle)*1 y1+=Sin(angle)*1 Local x3:Int=x1/mymap.tw Local y3:Int=y1/mymap.th ' if outside map then skip If x3<0 Or y3<0 Or x3>=mymap.mw Or y3>=mymap.mh Then Continue ' if we touch a wall then return false If mymap.map[x3][y3] = 0 Then Return False ' if we touch the zombie then return true If circleoverlap(x1,y1,4,x2,y2,4) Then Return True '?? If i>200 Then Return True Next Return False End Method ' returns -1(left) or 1 right to turn towards the closest turn Method turndirection(destangle:Int) If destangle<-180 Then destangle=-180 If destangle>180 Then destangle=180 Local myangle:Int=currentangle Local d1:Int 'turn left While myangle <> destangle myangle-=1 If myangle<-180 Then myangle = 180 d1+=1 Wend myangle = currentangle Local d2:Int While myangle <> destangle myangle+=1 If myangle>180 Then myangle = -180 d2+=1 Wend If d2>d1 Then Return -1 Else Return 1 End Method ' Here we create a floodfill map for pathfinding Method createpathmap() Local sx:Int=tx/mymap.tw Local sy:Int=ty/mymap.th 'flood the map with distance from 'sx and sy ' Create a list with a class inside it (the class has ' the x and y variables) Local ol:List<pathnode> = New List<pathnode> ' Add the start position on the list ol.AddLast(New pathnode(sx,sy)) ' set the cloes map at the start position to distance 1 pathmap[sx][sy] = 1 ' some helper arrays. We can determine the top,right,and bottom ' and left position cells with these numbers. Local dx:Int[] = [0,1,0,-1] Local dy:Int[] = [-1,0,1,0] ' While there is contents in the list While ol.Count <> 0 ' Get the current location Local x1:Int=ol.First.x Local y1:Int=ol.First.y ' Remove the current location from the list ol.RemoveFirst ' Get 4 new positions around the current positions For Local i:=0 Until 4 ' Set new x and y Local nx:Int=x1+dx[i] Local ny:Int=y1+dy[i] ' If the coordinates are inside the map If nx>=0 And ny>=0 And nx<mymap.mw And ny<mymap.mh ' If the closedmap is not written to yet If pathmap[nx][ny] = 0 And mymap.map[nx][ny] = 1 ' Set the new distance based on the current distance pathmap[nx][ny] = pathmap[x1][y1] + 1 ' Add new position to the list ol.AddLast(New pathnode(nx,ny)) End If End If Next Wend End Method Method draw() Local tx:Int = tx+shakex Local ty:Int = ty+shakey shaketime-=1 If shaketime < 0 Then shakex = 0 ; shakey = 0 'draw the turret SetColor 0,255,255 DrawCircle tx,ty,tr 'draw the barrel Local x2:Int,y2:Int x2 = Cos(currentangle)*tr y2 = Sin(currentangle)*tr DrawCircle tx+x2,ty+y2,tr/2 End Method End Class Class zombie Field id:Int Field hastarget:Bool=False 'is he heading towards a target ' zombie x and y and radius Field zx:Float,zy:Float,zr:Int=16 Field tx:Int,ty:Int Field angle:Int Field movementspeed:Float=.5 Field deleteme:Bool=False Field hitpoints:Int Field flash:Bool=False Field flashtime:Int Field pathmap:Int[][] Method New(x:Int,y:Int) zx = x*mymap.tw zy = y*mymap.th 'set the zombie radius zr = mymap.tw/2 hitpoints = Rnd(1,4) If Rnd(100)<2 Then hitpoints*=5 movementspeed = Rnd(0.15,0.35) ' This holds the path for the zombie (he ' moves towards the smaller number pathmap = New Int[mymap.mw][] For Local i:=0 Until mymap.mw pathmap[i] = New Int[mymap.mh] Next End Method Method update() Local done:Bool=False ' if there is a turret on the map or more If Not myturret.IsEmpty And hastarget=False Local targetid:Int=-1 Local ntx:Int,nty:Int Local cdist:Int=10000 ' find the closest For Local i:=Eachin myturret Local d:Int=distance(zx,zy,i.tx,i.ty) If d<cdist cdist = d targetid = i.id hastarget = True ntx = i.tx nty = i.ty End If Next ' copy the pathmap from this turrent to ' the pathmap of the zombie For Local i:=Eachin myturret If targetid = i.id For Local y:=0 Until mymap.mh For Local x:=0 Until mymap.mw pathmap[x][y] = i.pathmap[x][y] Next Next End If Next tx = zx ty = zy ' angle = getangle(zx,zy,ntx,nty) End If 'move the zombie to new grid if he arived 'at the current grid If circleoverlap(zx,zy,2,tx,ty,2) Local cn:Int=pathmap[zx/mymap.tw][zy/mymap.th] ' above/right/bottom/left (4 directions) Local mx:Int[] = [0,1,0,-1] Local my:Int[] = [-1,0,1,0] ' store the floodvalues around the zombie Local myx:Stack<Int> = New Stack<Int> Local myy:Stack<Int> = New Stack<Int> Local myv:Stack<Int> = New Stack<Int> ' read around the zombie for direction (pathmapflood) For Local i:=0 Until 4 Local x3:Int=(zx/mymap.tw)+mx[i] Local y3:Int=(zy/mymap.th)+my[i] If x3<0 Or y3<0 Or x3>=mymap.mw Or y3>=mymap.mh Then Continue Local d:Int=pathmap[x3][y3] If d>0 Then myx.Push(zx+(mx[i]*mymap.tw)) myy.Push(zy+(my[i]*mymap.th)) myv.Push(d) End If Next 'choose lowest new direction Local lowest:Int=1414 For Local i:=0 Until myx.Length() If myv.Get(i)<lowest Then lowest = myv.Get(i) tx = myx.Get(i) ty = myy.Get(i) End If Next ' set the angle we are going to head in angle = getangle(zx,zy,tx,ty) End If zx += Cos(angle) * movementspeed zy += Sin(angle) * movementspeed 'if the zombie collides with a turrent then ' flag turret for deletion For Local i:=Eachin myturret If circleoverlap(zx,zy,zr,i.tx,i.ty,i.tr) i.deleteme = True ' move the turret far away so the zombies can pick ' the next nearest target i.tx = -1000 i.ty = -1000 For Local ii:=Eachin myzombie ii.hastarget = False Next End If Next End Method Method draw() If flash = False SetColor 255,0,0 flashtime = 4 Else SetColor 255,255,255 flashtime -= 1 If flashtime < 0 Then flash = False End If DrawCircle zx,zy,zr Return SetColor 255,255,255 For Local y1:=-2 To 2 For Local x1:=-2 To 2 Local x2:Int=zx/mymap.tw+x1 Local y2:Int=zy/mymap.th+y1 DrawText pathmap[x2][y2],zx+(x1*mymap.tw),zy+(y1*mymap.th) Next Next End Method End Class Class map Field map:Int[][] Field mw:Int,mh:Int,tw:Float,th:Float Method New(mw:Int,mh:Int) Self.mw = mw Self.mh = mh tw = Float(screenwidth) / Float(mw) th = Float(screenheight) / Float(mh) map = New Int[mw][] For Local i:=0 Until mw map[i] = New Int[mh] Next newmap() End Method Method newmap() For Local y=0 Until mh For Local x=0 Until mw map[x][y] = 0 Next Next drawrectinmap(Rnd(10,mw-10),Rnd(10,mh-10),5,3) For Local i=0 Until 50 makeroom() Next makewalls() End Method Method makewalls() ' put walls on the map For Local y=1 Until mh-1 For Local x=1 Until mw-1 If map[x][y] = 0 If map[x+1][y] = 1 map[x+1][y] = 2 End If End If If map[x][y] = 1 If map[x+1][y] = 0 map[x][y] = 2 End If End If If map[x][y] = 1 If map[x][y+1] = 0 map[x][y] = 2 End If End If If map[x][y] = 0 If map[x][y+1] = 1 map[x][y+1] = 2 End If End If Next Next End Method Method makeroom:Bool() 'find suitable place to make room Local exitloop:Bool=False Local cnt:Int=0 While exitloop = False cnt+=1 If cnt>8000 Then exitloop=True Local x:Int=Rnd(5,mw-8) Local y:Int=Rnd(5,mh-8) Local roomw:Int=Rnd(4,8) Local roomh:Int=Rnd(4,8) Local pass1:Bool=True For Local y1=0 Until roomh For Local x1=0 Until roomh If map[x1+x][y1+y] = 1 Then pass1=False Next Next Local pass2:Bool=False If pass1=True Then For Local y1=3 To roomh-3 If map[x-1][y+y1] = 1 Then pass2=True If map[x+roomw][y+y1] = 1 Then pass2=True Next For Local x1=3 To roomw-3 If map[x+x1][y-1] = 1 Then pass2 = True If map[x+x1][y+roomh] = 1 Then pass2 = True Next End If If pass2 = True Then drawrectinmap(x,y,roomw,roomh) Return End If Wend End Method Method issuitable:Bool(x:Int,y:Int,w:Int,h:Int) For Local y1=0 Until h For Local x1=0 Until w If map[x+x1][y+y1] = 1 Then Return False Next Next Return True End Method Method drawrectinmap(x:Int,y:Int,w:Int,h:Int) For Local y1=0 Until h For Local x1=0 Until w map[x+x1][y+y1] = 1 Next Next End Method Method draw() For Local y:=0 Until mh For Local x:=0 Until mw If map[x][y] = 0 Then SetColor 100,100,100 DrawRect x*tw,y*th,tw+1,th+1 End If Next Next End Method End Class Global zombieskilled:Int=0 Global mymap:map Global myturret:List<turret> Global myzombie:List<zombie> Global mybullet:List<bullet> Class MyGame Extends App Field difficulty:Int=2 Method OnCreate() SetUpdateRate(60) 'speed of the refresh Seed = GetDate[4]+GetDate[5] ' random values based on the date screenwidth = DeviceWidth screenheight = DeviceHeight newmap() 'create a new map End Method Method OnUpdate() ' update the zombie and bullet and turrets For Local i:=Eachin myzombie i.update() Next For Local i:=Eachin mybullet i.update() Next For Local i:=Eachin myturret i.update() Next ' delete from the lists those that were destroyed For Local i:=Eachin myzombie If i.deleteme = True Then myzombie.Remove(i) Next For Local i:=Eachin mybullet If i.deleteme = True Then mybullet.Remove(i) Next For Local i:=Eachin myturret If i.deleteme = True Then myturret.Remove(i) Next ' if pressed mouse or space then reset difficulty ' and create new map If MouseHit(MOUSE_LEFT) Or KeyHit(KEY_SPACE) Then difficulty = 2 newmap End If ' spawn new zombie If Rnd(200)<difficulty Then placezombie() ' Increase difficulty If Rnd(500)<2 Then difficulty+=1 ' if there are no more turrets then start new map If myturret.IsEmpty Then difficulty = 2 ; newmap() End Method Method OnRender() Cls 0,0,0 mymap.draw() For Local i:=Eachin myturret i.draw() Next For Local i:=Eachin myzombie i.draw() Next For Local i:=Eachin mybullet i.draw() Next SetColor 255,255,255 DrawText "Zombies and Turrets on random maps - Press Space or Mouse to create new map",0,0 DrawText "Zombies Killed : "+zombieskilled,0,20 End Method End Class Function newmap() ' reset our variable that holds track ' of the zombies killed zombieskilled = 0 ' create a variable with a value to create map with Local s:Int=Rnd(30,60) mymap = New map(s,s) ' (re)create the turret zombie and bullet classes myturret = New List<turret> myzombie = New List<zombie> mybullet = New List<bullet> ' add a number of turrets Local numturrets:Int=Rnd(3,s/5) For Local i:=0 Until numturrets placeturret() Next End Function ' Here we place a new zombie on the map Function placezombie() Repeat ' create a x and y value Local x:Int=Rnd(mymap.mw) Local y:Int=Rnd(mymap.mh) ' if on the map under these new ' coordinates there is no wall If mymap.map[x][y] = 1 ' be sure it is not placed to near ' a turret. Local notnearturret:Bool=True For Local i:=Eachin myturret If distance(i.tx,i.ty,x*mymap.tw,y*mymap.th) < mymap.tw*6 Then notnearturret=False Next If notnearturret = True myzombie.AddLast(New zombie(x,y)) Exit End If End If Forever End Function '' ' Place a turret on the map Function placeturret() Repeat Local x:Int=Rnd(mymap.mw) Local y:Int=Rnd(mymap.mh) ' if not on a wall then make him If mymap.map[x][y] = 1 myturret.AddLast(New turret(x,y)) Exit End If Forever End Function Function distance:Int(x1:Int,y1:Int,x2:Int,y2:Int) Return Abs(x2-x1)+Abs(y2-y1) End Function Function getangle:Int(x1:Int,y1:Int,x2:Int,y2:Int) Local dx = x2 - x1 Local dy = y2 - y1 Return ATan2(dy,dx)+360 Mod 360 End Function Function circleoverlap:Bool(x1:Int,y1:Int,r1:Int,x2:Int,y2:Int,r2:Int) Local dx:Int = x1-x2 Local dy:Int = y1-y2 Local r:Int = r1+r2 If dx*dx+dy*dy <= r*r Then Return True Else Return False End Function Main() New MyGame() End Function
Tuesday, August 1, 2017
Monkey-X - Turrets and Zombies - code example
Import mojo Class bullet ' bullet x and y and radius Field bx:Float,by:Float,br:Int=4 Field angle:Int Field bulletspeed:Float=3 Field bulletmaxdist:Int=1200 Field bullettraveled:Int Field deleteme:Bool=False ' start location and target location for getting angle Method New(x1:Int,y1:Int,x2:Int,y2:Int) bx = x1 by = y1 angle = getangle(x1,y1,x2,y2) End Method Method update() ' update the bullet position bx += Cos(angle)*bulletspeed by += Sin(angle)*bulletspeed ' if distance to long then flag bullet for removal bullettraveled+=1 If bullettraveled > bulletmaxdist Then deleteme = True ' check collision with zombies For Local i:=Eachin myzombie If circleoverlap(bx,by,br,i.zx,i.zy,i.zr) deleteme = True i.hitpoints-=1 ' Bounce them a bit back i.zx += Cos(angle+Rnd(-20,20))*Rnd(5,13) i.zy += Sin(angle+Rnd(-20,20))*Rnd(5,13) i.flash = True ' If they are dead then flag them If i.hitpoints<=0 Then i.deleteme = True End If End If Next End Method Method draw() SetColor 255,255,0 DrawCircle bx,by,br End Method End Class Class turret ' turret x and y and radius Field tx:Int,ty:Int,tr:Int=16 Field targetx:Int,targety:Int Field deleteme:Bool=False Field shootdelay:Int Field maxshootdelay:Int=10 Field currentangle:Int,shootangle:Int Field notarget:Bool=True Field turnspeed:Int=3 'turn speed of the turret Field shakex:Int,shakey:Int Field shaketime:Int Method New(x:Int,y:Int) tx = x ty = y turnspeed = Rnd(1,10) End Method Method update() shootdelay += 1 ' shooting here ' check if there are zombies on the map If Not myzombie.IsEmpty Local ntx:Int,nty:Int ' New target x And y Local sdist:Int=1000 'shortest distance ' find zombie closest to turret For Local i:=Eachin myzombie Local d:Int=distance(tx,ty,i.zx,i.zy) If d<sdist Then sdist = d ntx = i.zx nty = i.zy End If Next shootangle = getangle(tx,ty,ntx,nty) targetx = ntx targety = nty notarget = False Else notarget = True End If 'if we have a target If notarget = False Then 'turn the turrent to target For Local i:=0 Until turnspeed If currentangle <> shootangle currentangle += turndirection(shootangle) If currentangle>180 Then currentangle = -180 If currentangle<-180 Then currentangle = 180 End If Next ' if we are aimed and reloaded then shoot If shootdelay > maxshootdelay shootdelay = 0 If currentangle = shootangle ' add a shake in the opposite direction ' of the barrel. shakex = -Cos(currentangle)*2 shakey = -Sin(currentangle)*2 shaketime = 4 mybullet.AddLast(New bullet(tx+Cos(shootangle)*16,ty+Sin(shootangle)*16,targetx,targety)) End If End If End If End Method ' returns -1(left) or 1 right to turn towards the closest turn Method turndirection(destangle:Int) Local myangle:Int=currentangle Local d1:Int 'turn left While myangle <> destangle myangle-=1 If myangle<-180 Then myangle = 180 d1+=1 Wend myangle = currentangle Local d2:Int While myangle <> destangle myangle+=1 If myangle>180 Then myangle = -180 d2+=1 Wend If d2>d1 Then Return -1 Else Return 1 End Method Method draw() Local tx:Int = tx+shakex Local ty:Int = ty+shakey shaketime-=1 If shaketime < 0 Then shakex = 0 ; shakey = 0 SetColor 0,255,255 DrawCircle tx,ty,tr Local x2:Int,y2:Int x2 = Cos(currentangle)*20 y2 = Sin(currentangle)*20 DrawCircle tx+x2,ty+y2,10 End Method End Class Class zombie ' zombie x and y and radius Field zx:Float,zy:Float,zr:Int=16 Field tx:Int,ty:Int Field angle:Int Field movementspeed:Float=.5 Field deleteme:Bool=False Field hitpoints:Int Field flash:Bool=False Field flashtime:Int Method New(x:Int,y:Int) zx = x zy = y hitpoints = Rnd(1,4) If Rnd(100)<2 Then hitpoints*=5 movementspeed = Rnd(0.1,0.3) End Method Method update() If Not myturret.IsEmpty Local ntx:Int,nty:Int Local cdist:Int=1000 For Local i:=Eachin myturret Local d:Int=distance(zx,zy,i.tx,i.ty) If d<cdist d = cdist ntx = i.tx nty = i.ty End If Next tx = ntx ty = nty angle = getangle(zx,zy,ntx,nty) End If 'move the zombie zx += Cos(angle) * movementspeed zy += Sin(angle) * movementspeed End Method Method draw() If flash = False SetColor 255,0,0 flashtime = 4 Else SetColor 255,255,255 flashtime -= 1 If flashtime < 0 Then flash = False End If DrawCircle zx,zy,zr End Method End Class Global myturret:List<turret> = New List<turret> Global myzombie:List<zombie> = New List<zombie> Global mybullet:List<bullet> = New List<bullet> Class MyGame Extends App Method OnCreate() Seed = GetDate[4] + GetDate[5] SetUpdateRate(60) myturret.AddLast(New turret(DeviceWidth/2,DeviceHeight/2)) myturret.AddLast(New turret(DeviceWidth/2-50,DeviceHeight/2)) myturret.AddLast(New turret(DeviceWidth/2+50,DeviceHeight/2)) End Method Method OnUpdate() ' If press space then reset level If KeyHit(KEY_SPACE) Or MouseHit(MOUSE_LEFT) Then restart() 'update the turrents zombies and bullets For Local i:=Eachin myturret i.update() Next For Local i:=Eachin myzombie i.update() Next For Local i:=Eachin mybullet i.update() Next ' remove any that are gone For Local i:=Eachin myturret If i.deleteme = True Then myturret.Remove(i) Next For Local i:=Eachin myzombie If i.deleteme = True Then myzombie.Remove(i) Next For Local i:=Eachin mybullet If i.deleteme = True Then mybullet.Remove(i) Next ' add zombies to the map If Rnd(200)<5 Then addzombie(DeviceWidth,DeviceHeight) ' End Method Method OnRender() Cls 0,0,0 For Local i:=Eachin myturret i.draw() Next For Local i:=Eachin myzombie i.draw() Next For Local i:=Eachin mybullet i.draw() Next SetColor 255,255,255 DrawText "Zombies and Turrent - Press Space/Mouse to reset map",0,0 End Method End Class Function restart() myturret = New List<turret> myzombie = New List<zombie> mybullet = New List<bullet> myturret.AddLast(New turret(DeviceWidth/2,DeviceHeight/2)) myturret.AddLast(New turret(DeviceWidth/2-50,DeviceHeight/2)) myturret.AddLast(New turret(DeviceWidth/2+50,DeviceHeight/2)) End Function Function addzombie(Width:Int,Height:Int) Local l:Int=Rnd(4) Local x:Int,y:Int Select l Case 0 x = 0 y = Rnd(Height) Case 1 x = Width y = Rnd(Height) Case 2 x = Rnd(Width) y = 0 Case 3 x = Rnd(Width) y = Height End Select myzombie.AddLast(New zombie(x,y)) End Function Function Main() New MyGame() End Function Function distance:Int(x1:Int,y1:Int,x2:Int,y2:Int) Return Abs(x2-x1)+Abs(y2-y1) End Function Function getangle:Int(x1:Int,y1:Int,x2:Int,y2:Int) Local dx = x2 - x1 Local dy = y2 - y1 Return ATan2(dy,dx)+360 Mod 360 End Function Function circleoverlap:Bool(x1:Int,y1:Int,r1:Int,x2:Int,y2:Int,r2:Int) Local dx:Int = x1-x2 Local dy:Int = y1-y2 Local r:Int = r1+r2 If dx*dx+dy*dy <= r*r Then Return True Else Return False End
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