Simple requester code example
Code below :
Import mojo Class requester Field x:Int = 640/2-320/2 Field y:Int = 200 Field width:Int=320 Field height:Int=100 Field visible:Bool = True 'requester visible Field button1:String="Cancel" Field button2:String="Ok" Field button1p:Bool = False 'button pressed Field button2p:Bool = False Field b1x 'button 1/2 x y (w)idth (h)eight Field b1y Field b1w Field b1h Field b2x Field b2y Field b2w Field b2h Method New() b1x = x+10 b1y = y+height-25 b1w = 100 b1h = 20 b2x = x+width-110 b2y = y+height-25 b2w = 100 b2h = 20 End Method Method requester() If visible = True drawbox "Do you wish to continue?",0,x,y,width,height If rectsoverlap(MouseX(),MouseY(),1,1,b1x,b1y,b1w,b1h) = True And MouseDown(MOUSE_LEFT) = True Then button1p = True drawbox button1,1,b1x,b1y,b1w,b1h Else drawbox button1,0,b1x,b1y,b1w,b1h End If If rectsoverlap(MouseX(),MouseY(),1,1,b1x,b1y,b1w,b1h) = False button1p = False End If If rectsoverlap(MouseX(),MouseY(),1,1,b2x,b2y,b2w,b2h) = True And MouseDown(MOUSE_LEFT) = True Then button2p = True drawbox button2,1,b2x,b2y,b2w,b2h Else drawbox button2,0,b2x,b2y,b2w,b2h End If If rectsoverlap(MouseX(),MouseY(),1,1,b2x,b2y,b2w,b2h) = False button2p = False End If If MouseDown(MOUSE_LEFT) = False And button1p = True Then visible=False button1p = False End If If MouseDown(MOUSE_LEFT) = False And button2p =True Then visible = False button2p = False End If End If End Method Method drawbox(text:String,_state,_x,_y,_width,_height) Select _state Case 0'not pressed SetColor 100,100,100 DrawRect _x,_y,_width,_height SetColor 200,200,200 DrawLine _x,_y,_x+_width,_y DrawLine _x,_y,_x,_y+_height SetColor 50,50,50 DrawLine _x,_y+_height,_x+_width,_y+_height DrawLine _x+_width,_y,_x+_width,_y+_height If text <> "" SetColor 255,255,255 DrawText text,_x+_width/2,_y+_height/2,0.5,0.5 End If Case 1'pressed SetColor 100,100,100 DrawRect _x,_y,_width,_height SetColor 50,50,50 DrawLine _x,_y,_x+_width,_y DrawLine _x,_y,_x,_y+_height SetColor 100,100,100 DrawLine _x,_y+_height,_x+_width,_y+_height DrawLine _x+_width,_y,_x+_width,_y+_height If text <> "" SetColor 255,255,255 DrawText text,_x+_width/2,_y+_height/2,0.5,0.5 End If End Select End Method End Class Global r:requester = New requester Class MyGame Extends App Method OnCreate() SetUpdateRate(60) End Method Method OnUpdate() If r.visible = False And Rnd(200)<5 Then r.visible=True End Method Method OnRender() Cls 0,0,0 SetColor 255,255,255 r.requester End Method End Class Function rectsoverlap:Bool(x1:Int, y1:Int, w1:Int, h1:Int, x2:Int, y2:Int, w2:Int, h2:Int) If x1 >= (x2 + w2) Or (x1 + w1) <= x2 Then Return False If y1 >= (y2 + h2) Or (y1 + h1) <= y2 Then Return False Return True End Function Function Main() New MyGame() End Function
Thats a damn fine thing to do there, sharing your code and giving examples! I love MonkeyX!