Artificial intelligence/templates/examples/rts/rpg/strategy ect. in MonkeyX/CerberusX language. You can download the free version of MonkeyX from or The Flash applets will stop working in around 2020.
Here a map/image generator. It makes random paths on a simple heightmap and puts walls around the edges. (edit:Fixed a bug)
Import mojo Global mapwidth:Int = 50 Global mapheight:Int= 50 Global sx:Int 'path start x Global sy:Int 'path start y Global ex:Int=mapwidth/2 'path end x Global ey:Int=mapheight/2 'path end y Global map:Int[mapwidth][] Global olmap:Int[mapwidth][] Global clmap:Int[mapwidth][] Global pmap:Int[mapwidth][] ' this one refreshes maps Global waittime:Int=0 Class mapgen Field gmap:Int[mapwidth][] Field hmap:Int[mapwidth][] Field twidth:float,theight:float Method New() For Local i = 0 Until mapwidth gmap[i] = New Int[mapheight] hmap[i] = New Int[mapheight] Next twidth=640/mapwidth theight=480/mapheight makehmap makemap End Method Method makemap() For Local y=0 Until mapheight For Local x=0 Until mapwidth map[x][y] = hmap[x][y] Next Next ex = Rnd(10,mapwidth-10) ey = Rnd(10,mapheight-10) Local numpaths:Int = (mapwidth*mapheight)/700 For Local i=0 Until numpaths sx = ex sy = ey Local exitloop:Bool=False While exitloop = False ex = Rnd(10,mapwidth-10) ey = Rnd(10,mapheight-10) If sx<>ex And sy<>ey Then exitloop = True End If Wend findpath For Local ii:=Eachin path Local s:Int=2 If Int(Rnd(1,5)) = 2 s=Rnd(2,5) Elseif Int(Rnd(1,9)) = 2 s=8 End If For Local y=-s/2 Until s/2 For Local x=-s/2 Until s/2 If ii.x+x >= 0 And ii.x+x <mapwidth And ii.y+y >= 0 And ii.y+y < mapheight gmap[ii.x+x][ii.y+y] = 1 pmap[ii.x+x][ii.y+y] = 1 End if Next Next Next Next ' here add the walls For Local y=1 Until mapheight-1 For Local x=1 Until mapwidth-1 If gmap[x][y] = 0 If gmap[x+1][y] = 1 gmap[x][y]=2 End If End If If gmap[x][y] = 1 If gmap[x+1][y] = 0 gmap[x+1][y] = 2 End If End If If gmap[x][y] = 0 If gmap[x][y+1] = 1 gmap[x][y] = 2 End If End If If gmap[x][y] = 1 If gmap[x][y+1] = 0 gmap[x][y+1] = 2 End If End if Next Next End Method Method drawmap() For Local y=0 Until mapheight For Local x=0 Until mapwidth If gmap[x][y] = 1 SetColor 150,150,150 DrawRect x*twidth,y*theight, twidth,theight End If If gmap[x][y] = 2 SetColor 200,200,200 DrawRect x*twidth,y*theight, twidth,theight End If Next Next End Method Method makehmap() For Local y=0 Until mapheight For Local x=0 Until mapwidth hmap[x][y] = 3 Next Next For Local i=0 To (mapwidth*mapheight)/10 Local w:Int=Rnd(3,8) Local h:Int=Rnd(3,8) Local x:Int=Rnd(3,mapwidth-8) Local y:Int=Rnd(3,mapheight-8) For Local y1=-w/2 To w/2 For Local x1=-h/2 To h/2 hmap[x+x1][y+y1]+=1 Next Next Next End Method Method drawhmap() For Local y=0 Until mapheight For Local x=0 Until mapwidth SetColor hmap[x][y]*10,0,0 DrawRect x*twidth,y*theight, twidth,theight Next Next End Method End Class Class openlist Field x:Int Field y:Int Field f:Int Field g:Int Field h:Int Field px:Int Field py:Int Method New( x:Int=0,y:Int=0,f:Int=0, g:Int=0,h:Int=0,px:Int=0, py:Int=0) Self.x=x Self.y=y Self.f=f Self.g=g Self.h=h Self.px=px End Method End Class Class closedlist Field x:Int Field y:Int Field px:Int Field py:Int Method New(x:Int,y:Int,px:Int,py:Int) Self.x = x Self.y = y Self.px = px = py End Method End Class Class pathnode Field x:Int Field y:Int Method New(x:Int,y:Int) Self.x = x Self.y = y End Method End Class Global ol:List<openlist> = New List<openlist> Global cl:List<closedlist> = New List<closedlist> Global path:List<pathnode> = New List<pathnode> Global mymapgen:mapgen Class MyGame Extends App Method OnCreate() SetUpdateRate(60) For Local i=0 Until mapwidth map[i] = New Int[mapheight] olmap[i] = New Int[mapheight] clmap[i] = New Int[mapheight] pmap[i] = New Int[mapheight] Next mymapgen = New mapgen() End Method Method OnUpdate() waittime+=1 If waittime>120 mapwidth=Rnd(50,150) mapheight=mapwidth map = makearray() olmap = makearray() clmap = makearray() pmap = makearray() mymapgen = New mapgen() waittime = 0 End If End Method Method OnRender() Cls(0,0,0) mymapgen.drawmap SetColor 255,255,255 End End Function makearray:Int[][]() Local aa:Int[mapwidth][] For Local i=0 Until mapwidth aa[i] = New Int[mapheight] Next Return aa End Function Function findpath:Bool() If sx = ex And sy = ey Then Return False For Local y=0 Until mapheight For Local x=0 Until mapwidth olmap[x][y] = 0 clmap[x][y] = 0 Next Next ol.Clear cl.Clear path.Clear ol.AddFirst(New openlist(sx,sy)) Local tx:Int Local ty:Int Local tf:Int Local tg:Int Local th:Int Local tpx:Int Local tpy:Int Local newx:Int Local newy:Int Local lowestf:Int olmap[sx][sy] = 1 While ol.IsEmpty() = False lowestf = 100000 For Local i:=Eachin ol If i.f < lowestf lowestf = i.f tx = i.x ty = i.y tf = i.f tg = i.g th = i.h tpx = i.px tpy = End If Next If tx = ex And ty = ey cl.AddLast(New closedlist(tx,ty,tpx,tpy)) findpathback Return True Else removefromopenlist(tx,ty) olmap[tx][ty] = 0 clmap[tx][ty] = 1 cl.AddLast(New closedlist(tx,ty,tpx,tpy)) For Local y=-1 To 1 For Local x=-1 To 1 newx = tx+x newy = ty+y If newx>=0 And newy>=0 And newx<mapwidth And newy<mapheight If olmap[newx][newy] = 0 If clmap[newx][newy] = 0 olmap[newx][newy] = 1 Local gg:Int If pmap[newx][newy] = 1 gg=1 Else gg = map[newx][newy]+1 End If Local hh = distance(newx,newy,ex,ey) Local ff = gg+hh ol.AddLast(New openlist(newx,newy,ff,gg,hh,tx,ty)) End If End If End If Next Next End If Wend Return False End Function Function findpathback:Bool() Local x=ex Local y=ey path.AddFirst(New pathnode(x,y)) Repeat For Local i:=Eachin cl If i.x = x And i.y = y x = i.px y = path.AddFirst(New pathnode(x,y)) End If Next If x = sx And y = sy Then Return True Forever End Function Function removefromopenlist:Void(x1:Int,y1:Int) For Local i:=Eachin ol If i.x = x1 And i.y = y1 ol.Remove i Exit End If Next End Function Function distance:Int(x1:Int,y1:Int,x2:Int,y2:Int) Return Abs(x2-x1)+Abs(y2-y1) End Function Function Main() New MyGame() End
This is a very interesting coding example, thanks for sharing.
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This is a very interesting coding example, thanks for sharing.