Artificial intelligence/templates/examples/rts/rpg/strategy ect. in MonkeyX/CerberusX language. You can download the free version of MonkeyX from or The Flash applets will stop working in around 2020.
#rem Hunt and Kill Algorithm - Maze From the book - Mazes for programmers - #end Import mojo Class cell Field x:Int,y:Int Field north:Bool,east:Bool Field south:Bool,west:Bool Field visited:Bool=False Method New(x:Int,y:Int) Self.x = x Self.y = y End Method End Class Class huntandkillmaze Field width:Int,height:Int Field tilewidth:Float,tileheight:Float Field map:cell[][] Method New(mazewidth:Int,mazeheight:Int,sw:Int,sh:Int) Self.width = mazewidth Self.height = mazeheight map = New cell[width][] For Local i=0 Until width map[i] = New cell[height] Next For Local y=0 Until height For Local x=0 Until width map[x][y] = New cell Next Next tilewidth = Float(sw)/Float(mazewidth) tileheight = Float(sh)/Float(mazeheight) makehuntandkillmaze End Method ' ' This method creates the maze ' ' We start left top of the map and step into a random direction ' were we have not been before and carve a path there. ' When we can not find a unvisited cell around our last position ' we enter the kill mode and find a new unvisited spot on the map ' and carve a path to one of the visited cells around it. Then we ' return to hunt mode. If no more spots are found in kill mode ' then the maze is finished. ' ' Method makehuntandkillmaze() Local x:Int=0,y:Int=0 Local state:String="hunt" map[x][y].visited = True Repeat If state="hunt" 'read around x,y for unvisited cells Local dir:Stack<Int> = New Stack<Int> If y-1 >= 0 And map[x][y-1].visited = False Then dir.Push(0) If x+1 < width And map[x+1][y].visited = False Then dir.Push(1) If y+1 < height And map[x][y+1].visited = False Then dir.Push(2) If x-1 >= 0 And map[x-1][y].visited = False Then dir.Push(3) 'If we have a place to go then carve a path If dir.Length > 0 Local s:Int=dir.Get(Rnd(dir.Length)) If s = 0 'north map[x][y].north = True map[x][y-1].south = True y-=1 End If If s = 1 'east map[x][y].east = True map[x+1][y].west = True x+=1 End If If s = 2 'south map[x][y].south = True map[x][y+1].north = True y+=1 End If If s = 3 'west map[x][y].west = True map[x-1][y].east = True x-=1 End If map[x][y].visited = True Else 'no place to go so go into kill mode state = "kill" End If End If If state = "kill" ' if we are done flag Local newspot:Bool=False 'loop through the entire map For Local y1=0 Until height For Local x1=0 Until width 'if we find a unvisited cell If map[x1][y1].visited = False 'set to current position x = x1 y = y1 'exit flag newspot = True 'back to hunt mode next state = "hunt" ' create a list with visited cells around the new spot Local dir:Stack<Int> = New Stack<Int> If y-1 >= 0 And map[x][y-1].visited = True Then dir.Push(0) If x+1 < width And map[x+1][y].visited = True Then dir.Push(1) If y+1 < height And map[x][y+1].visited = True Then dir.Push(2) If x-1 >= 0 And map[x-1][y].visited = True Then dir.Push(3) ' pick a direction from the list Local s:Int=dir.Get(Rnd(dir.Length)) 'carve a path to the selected cell Select s Case 0'north map[x][y].north = True map[x][y-1].south = True Case 1'east map[x][y].east = True map[x+1][y].west = True Case 2'south map[x][y].south = True map[x][y+1].north = True Case 3'west map[x][y].west = True map[x-1][y].east = True End Select 'mark the new cell visited map[x][y].visited = True 'exit the for for loop Exit End If Next Next ' If we have no new spot then we are done If newspot = False Then Return End If Forever End Method ' ' Draw the maze ' Method draw() For Local y=0 Until height For Local x=0 Until width Local x1:Int=x*tilewidth Local y1:Int=y*tileheight SetColor 255,255,255 If map[x][y].north = False DrawLine x1,y1,x1+tilewidth,y1 End If If map[x][y].east = False DrawLine x1+tilewidth,y1,x1+tilewidth,y1+tileheight End If If map[x][y].south = False DrawLine x1,y1+tileheight,x1+tilewidth,y1+tileheight End If If map[x][y].west = False DrawLine x1,y1,x1,y1+tileheight End If Next Next End Method End Class Global maze:huntandkillmaze Class MyGame Extends App Method OnCreate() SetUpdateRate(1) maze = New huntandkillmaze(10,10,500,400) End Method Method OnUpdate() If MouseHit(MOUSE_LEFT) maze = New huntandkillmaze(10,10,500,400) End If End Method Method OnRender() Cls 0,0,0 SetColor 255,255,255 maze.draw DrawText "Hunt and Kill Algorithm Maze",0,480-40 DrawText "Press Mouse or Touch to create new maze",0,480-20 End Method End Class Function Main() New MyGame() End Function
Nice piece of coding ;)
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Nice piece of coding ;)