Import mojo
Class tree
Field px:Int,py:Int
Field pw:Float,ph:Float
Field mapone:Int[][]
Field treecolor1:Int=Rnd(230,255)
Field treecolor1r:Int=Rnd(50,200)
Field treecolor2:Int=Rnd(190,220)
Field treecolor3:Int=Rnd(130,180)
Field treecolor4:Int=Rnd(70,120)
Field basecolor1:Int=150
Field basecolor2:Int=190
Field basecolor3:Int=220
Method New(x:Int,y:Int,w:Int,h:Int)
If Rnd(3)<2 Then treecolor1r = 0
px = x
py = y
pw = w
ph = h
mapone = New Int[w][]
For Local i:Int=0 Until w
mapone[i] = New Int[h]
End Method
Method maketree()
Local mx:Float=0.05
Local my:Float=.1
Local y:Float=1
Local x:Float=pw/2+1
Local base:Float=0
Local bounce:Float=.1
Local col:Int
Local num:Float=2
Local stap:Float=Rnd(0.001,0.005)
Local stap2:Float=Rnd(0.01,0.2)
Local stap3:Float=Rnd(0.5,1.5)
' Place two black pixels at the top of the tree
mapone[x-1][0] = 1
mapone[x-2][0] = 1
' create the tree
While (y+5)<=(ph-(ph/20))
' stay inside the image
If x>=pw Then x=pw-2
If x<=0 Then x=0
' change color of the tree depending
' on the current y location
If y<ph/1.4 Then col = treecolor4
If y<ph/1.6 Then col = treecolor3
If y<ph/1.9 Then col = treecolor2
If y<ph/4 Then col = treecolor1
' fill the current line
' black pixel to the left and right
mapone[x][y] = 1
mapone[pw-x][y] = 1
' next step in the tree shape
If y<ph/1.45 Then
If mx<0
If x < ((pw/2)+num) Then mx=bounce ; bounce+=stap2 ; num+=stap3
End If
If mx<0
If x<((pw/2)+num) Then bounce=.1 ; mx=bounce ; num-=stap3
End If
' Make sure the bottom of the tree is also drawn
' Make the tree trunk
End Method
' Fill from x to tox on y line using col(or)
' We go from right to left and fill the line with
' a number. (tree inside color)
Method filltoleft(x:Int,y:Int,tox:Int,col:Int)
Local ls:Int=(pw/2)
Local len1:Int=(x-ls)/2
Local len2:Int=(x-ls)/1.7
For Local x2:Int=x To tox Step -1
mapone[x2][y] = col
If col = treecolor2 Then
If Rnd(4) < 1 And distance(x2,0,tox,0) < len1 And y<ph/2 Then mapone[x2][y] = treecolor1
If Rnd(4) < 1 And distance(x2,0,x,0)< len1 And y<ph/2 Then mapone[x2][y] = treecolor1
If Rnd(2)<1.3 And distance(x2,0,ls-len1,0) < 2 And y<ph/2 Then mapone[x2][y] = treecolor1
If Rnd(2)<1.3 And distance(x2,0,ls+len1,0) < 2 And y<ph/2 Then mapone[x2][y] = treecolor1
End If
If col=treecolor1
If Rnd(2) < 1 And y>5 And distance(x2,0,ls,0) < 3 Then mapone[x2][y] = treecolor2
End If
If col=treecolor3
If Rnd(2)<1.3 And distance(x2,0,ls,0) < len2 And y<ph/1.8 Then mapone[x2][y] = treecolor2
End If
If col=treecolor4
If Rnd(2)<1.3 And distance(x2,0,ls,0) < len2 And y<ph/1.45 Then mapone[x2][y] = treecolor3
End If
End Method
Function distance:Int(x1:Int,y1:Int,x2:Int,y2:Int)
Return Abs(x2-x1)+Abs(y2-y1)
End Function
Method maketreebase()
' treebase
For Local y:Int=ph-(ph/5) Until ph
For Local x:Int=(pw/2)-(pw/8) Until (pw/2)+(pw/8)
If x<0 Or y<0 Or x>=pw Or y>= ph Then Continue
mapone[x][y] = basecolor1
If x=(pw/2)-(pw/8) Then mapone[x][y] = 1
If x=(pw/2)+(pw/8)-1 Then mapone[x][y]=1
If y=ph-1 Then mapone[x][y]=1
For Local y:Int=ph-(ph/5) Until ph-(ph/5)
For Local x:Int=(pw/2)-(pw/8) Until (pw/2)+(pw/8)
If x<0 Or y<0 Or x>=pw Or y>= ph Then Continue
mapone[x][y] = 1
' tree base center lighting
For Local y:Int=ph-(ph/7) Until ph-1
For Local x:Int=(pw/2)-(pw/30) Until (pw/2)+(pw/30)
If x<0 Or y<0 Or x>=pw Or y>= ph Then Continue
mapone[x][y] = basecolor3
For Local y:Int=ph-(ph/7) Until ph-1
For Local x:Int=(pw/2) Until (pw/2)+(pw/30)
If x<0 Or y<0 Or x>=pw Or y>= ph Then Continue
mapone[x][y] = basecolor2
'Remove two black pixels from the bottom of the treebase
mapone[(pw/2)-(pw/8)][ph-1] = 0
mapone[(pw/2)+(pw/8)-1][ph-1] = 0
End Method
Method draw()
For Local y:Int=0 Until ph
For Local x:Int=0 Until pw
If mapone[x][y] = 0 Then Continue
Select mapone[x][y]
Case 1
SetColor 0,0,0
Case treecolor1
SetColor treecolor1r/2,treecolor1,0
Case treecolor2
SetColor treecolor1r/1.5,treecolor2,0
Case treecolor3
SetColor treecolor1r/1.2,treecolor3,0
Case treecolor4
SetColor treecolor1r,treecolor4,0
Case basecolor1
SetColor basecolor1,basecolor1/2,0
Case basecolor2
SetColor basecolor2,basecolor2/2,0
Case basecolor3
SetColor basecolor3,basecolor3/2,0
End Select
DrawRect px+(x*1),py+(y*1),1,1
End Method
End Class
Class MyGame Extends App
Field mytree:List<tree>
Field time:Int=Millisecs()
Field hw:Int=48,hh:Int=64
Method OnCreate()
Seed = GetDate[4]*GetDate[5]
End Method
Method OnUpdate()
If KeyHit(KEY_SPACE) Or Millisecs() > time
End If
End Method
Method OnRender()
Cls 0,0,0
SetColor 50,125,235
DrawRect 0,0,DeviceWidth,150+hh
SetColor 50,155,255
DrawRect 0,100,DeviceWidth,(150+hh)-100
SetColor 5,250,5
DrawRect 0,150+hh,DeviceWidth,DeviceHeight-(150+hh)
SetColor 125,250,125
DrawRect 0,150+hh,DeviceWidth,2
For Local i:=Eachin mytree
End Method
Method maketrees()
mytree = New List<tree>
For Local x:Int=0 Until DeviceWidth Step 64
If Rnd(3)<2 Then mytree.AddLast(New tree(x,150,48,64))
Local sy:Int=0
For Local i:Int=0 Until 35
mytree.AddLast(New tree(Rnd(DeviceWidth),150+sy,48,64))
End Method
End Class
Function Main()
New MyGame()
End Function
Artificial intelligence/templates/examples/rts/rpg/strategy ect. in MonkeyX/CerberusX language. You can download the free version of MonkeyX from or The Flash applets will stop working in around 2020.
Friday, November 10, 2017
Monkey-X - Generator - Simple 2d Pixelart tree - code example
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