Artificial intelligence/templates/examples/rts/rpg/strategy ect. in MonkeyX/CerberusX language. You can download the free version of MonkeyX from or The Flash applets will stop working in around 2020.
' From the book '2d game collision detection' ' rectangle vs Line segment collision Import mojo ' This is the collision class. ' Class collision ' Collision function ' Rectangle vs Line Segment Function Function rectangle_segment_collide:Bool(r:rectangle,s:segment) ' First we test the line vs rectangle collision Local sline:line = New line() sline.base = s.point1 sline.direction = subtract_vector( s.point2, s.point1) If (Not line_rectangle_collide(sline,r)) Then Return False End If ' Here we test the ranges of the line ' with the rectangle Local rrange:range = New range() Local srange:range = New range() rrange.minimum = r.origin.x rrange.maximum = r.origin.x + r.size.x srange.minimum = s.point1.x srange.maximum = s.point2.x srange = sort_range(srange) If(Not overlapping_ranges(rrange,srange)) Then Return False End If rrange.minimum = r.origin.y rrange.maximum = r.origin.y + r.size.y srange.minimum = s.point1.y srange.maximum = s.point2.y srange = sort_range(srange) Return overlapping_ranges(rrange,srange) End Function ' The rectangle vs Line Collision ' needed for rectangle vs line segment Function line_rectangle_collide:Bool(l:line,r:rectangle) Local n:vector2d = rotate_vector_90(l.direction) Local dp1:Float,dp2:Float Local dp3:Float,dp4:Float Local c1:vector2d = r.origin Local c2:vector2d = add_vector(c1,r.size) Local c3:vector2d = New vector2d(c2.x,c1.y) Local c4:vector2d = New vector2d(c1.x,c2.y) c1 = subtract_vector(c1,l.base) c2 = subtract_vector(c2,l.base) c3 = subtract_vector(c3,l.base) c4 = subtract_vector(c4,l.base) dp1 = dot_product(n,c1) dp2 = dot_product(n,c2) dp3 = dot_product(n,c3) dp4 = dot_product(n,c4) Return (dp1 * dp2 <= 0) Or (dp2 * dp3 <= 0) Or (dp3 * dp4 <= 0) End Function ' ' helper functions ' Function sort_range:range(r:range) Local sorted:range = r If (r.minimum > r.maximum) sorted.minimum = r.maximum sorted.maximum = r.minimum End If Return sorted End Function Function overlapping_ranges:Bool(a:range,b:range) Return overlapping( a.minimum, a.maximum, b.minimum, b.maximum) End Function Function overlapping:Bool(mina:Float,maxa:Float,minb:Float,maxb:Float) Return minb <= maxa And mina <= maxb End Function Function rotate_vector_90:vector2d(v:vector2d) Local r:vector2d = New vector2d() r.x = -v.y r.y = v.x Return r End Function Function add_vector:vector2d(a:vector2d,b:vector2d) Local r:vector2d = New vector2d(0,0) r.x = a.x + b.x r.y = a.y + b.y Return r End Function Function subtract_vector:vector2d(a:vector2d,b:vector2d) Local r:vector2d = New vector2d() r.x = a.x - b.x r.y = a.y - b.y Return r End Function Function dot_product:Float(a:vector2d,b:vector2d) Return a.x * b.x + a.y * b.y End Function End Class Class vector2d ' x and y hold the position of the vector Field x:Int,y:Int Method New(x:Int,y:Int) Self.x = x Self.y = y End Method End Class Class line Field base:vector2d Field direction:vector2d Method New(base:vector2d,direction:vector2d) Self.base = base Self.direction = direction End Method Method draw() DrawLine base.x,base.y,direction.x,direction.y End Method End Class Class rectangle ' origin is a vector that holds the x and y coordinates ' of the rectangle Field origin:vector2d ' size is a vector that holds the x(width) and ' y(height) of the rectangle Field size:vector2d Method New(origin:vector2d,size:vector2d) Self.origin = origin Self.size = size End Method Method draw() ' x1,y1,w,h are used to hold the rectangle ' location and size. Local x1:Int=origin.x Local y1:Int=origin.y Local w:Int=size.x Local h:Int=size.y DrawRect x1,y1,w,h End Method End Class Class range Field minimum:Float Field maximum:Float Method New(minimum:Float,maximum:Float) Self.minimum = minimum Self.maximum = maximum End Method End Class Class segment ' point1 and point2 are two vectors. ' A vector has a x and y coordinate. Field point1:vector2d Field point2:vector2d Method New(point1:vector2d,point2:vector2d) Self.point1 = point1 Self.point2 = point2 End Method Method draw() DrawLine point1.x,point1.y,point2.x,point2.y End Method End Class ' col is the caller of the class collision. ' we use it to use the collision methods. Global col:collision = New collision Class MyGame Extends App Field angle:Float Method OnCreate() SetUpdateRate(30) End Method Method OnUpdate() angle+=1 If angle > 360 Then angle = 0 End Method Method OnRender() Cls 0,0,0 SetColor 255,255,255 ' this is a line segment setup Local point1:vector2d = New vector2d(MouseX,MouseY) Local point2:vector2d = New vector2d(MouseX+100,MouseY+100) ' ls is short for line segment Local ls:segment = New segment(point1,point2) ' ' This is the rectangle Local origin:vector2d = New vector2d(320,200) Local size:vector2d = New vector2d(100,50) Local rect1:rectangle = New rectangle(origin,size) ' Here we test for collision If col.rectangle_segment_collide(rect1,ls) DrawText "Rectangle vs Line Segment Collision",0,0 Else DrawText "Rectangle vs Line Segment NO Collision",0,0 End If ' Here we draw the line and rectangle ls.draw rect1.draw DrawText "Move the Mouse to test for Collision",DeviceWidth/2,0 End Method End Class Function Main() New MyGame() End Function
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